Paiste Gongs

We specialise in supplying Paiste Gongs that are made in Northern Germany. We offer expert advice on all aspects of Gong installation and are happy to answer any questions you may have. All items in this section come with Free UK Delivery.

If you are interested in learning more about Gongs and Gong Playing you can find out about Sheila Whittaker's workshops and events in South West England via the Healing Sound website.

To purchase one of Sheila's books please visit the book page.

Paiste 24" Planet Gong Venus A2
​24" VENUS A2/A-110,62 Hz
Paiste 24" Planet Gong Uranus G#2
24" URANUS G2#/Gis-103,68 Hz
Paiste 24" Planet Gong Neptune G2#
24" NEPTUNE G2#/Gis-105,72 Hz
Paiste 24" Planet Gong Synodic Moon (New Moon) G#2
24" MOON SYN. G2#/Gis-105,21 Hz
Paiste 24" Planet Gong Sidereal Moon (Full Moon) A2#
24" MOON SID. A2#/Ais-113,71 Hz
Paiste 28" Planet Gong Jupiter F2#
28" JUPITER F2#/Fis-91,79 Hz
Paiste 28" Planet Gong Sidereal Day G2
28" DAY SID. G2/G-97,36 Hz
Paiste 30" Planet Gong Platonic Year F2
30" PLAT.YEAR F2/F-86,03 Hz
Paiste 32" Planet Gong Mercury C2#
32" MERCURY C2#/Cis-70,64 Hz